Win a blog design package + an ad space!

Hello my lovelies! As you can see, there have been big changes going on here! I’ve started doing a little design for blogs and already have two clients! How exciting is that? As a last hurrah before school starts, I’m throwing a giveaway!


Here’s what one lucky winner will receive:

A blog redesign package including

+a header

+social media buttons (up to six) OR category buttons (like my pink ones)

+an ad button (size of your choosing)

+”THE SHRIMP” size ad space for a month, here on Call Me Sassafras, all usual perks included.

Enter now–it’s only open until Saturday at midnight EST! You can enter by tweeting about the giveaway, following me on various social networks or commenting! Do that here: Enter the giveaway!

I’ll email the winner by midday Saturday to talk details! Enter away!


Weekly Wishes #10 (+sponsor love)


Hey all. It’s Monday, you know what that means! Today, I’m linking up with The Nectar Collective for Weekly Wishes. The Weekly Wishes is where we all can share our posts about goals, challenges, and wishes for the week!

Last week, I wished for a few things and they weren’t very successful. My Bloglovin’ feed is still overpowering me! But at least I haven’t let it grow anymore. And I did complete the biggest wish of all–to get home safely. I spent last night with H and we had a blast just hanging out, eating pancakes, ice cream and black cherry soda (balanced diet, am I right?). So I totally don’t even care about my other goals; all that matters is that I’m finally home.

A week from today, school starts again! In honor of this wondrous (jokes) occasion, I’m offering a SURPRISE SALE–30% off all ad spaces from today until next Monday, August 19, 2013 when I start school. See all of your options on my sponsor page and make sure to mention this sale when you contact me!

But on a slightly less happy note, I don’t have much time before school craziness starts. In other words, I gotta get my shiz together. For those of you who don’t know, I just drove home to NC from Michigan over the weekend, where I’ve been living for two months. So I have a lot of schoolwork left to do and unpacking and cleaning and I need to work on finding a job! And to add to it, my body’s on a crazy sleep schedule because I used to get off work at one. In a week, I’ll be getting up at 6ish for school, so something’s gotta change. Basically, I got lots to do.

In more simple terms, here are my wishes:

  • Get my body on a good sleep schedule. Specifically, lights out by ten thirty, out of bed by eight. I can do this!!
  • Do some major cleaning! Pick up or clean for 30 minutes every single day–if possible, right when I get out of bed. My desk drawers are stuffed and I’ve got books all over my room that need to be picked up (figures).
  • Write out a full posting schedule for my first week of school. 
  • Look for a job. I’d ideally like a job in tutoring, but I’ll see what I can scrape up–wish me luck!

Now head on over to The Nectar Collective and join the Weekly Wish link up.

Today, I’ve also got a super exciting opportunity to introduce a lady who’s been chilling out on my sidebar recently. Crystal writes over at The Happy Type about positivity and things that inspire her. In her own words, The Happy Type is “a place for women to grow”. Let’s chat with this stellar female!

crystal of the happy type

Crystal, I want to introduce you by talking about some of your favorite things–give us a book recommendation to start us off! 

In high school a teacher made me read Catch-22 and I was so mad because a wartime story, UGHHH! BUT it turned into my all time favorite book because of the amazing story line Joseph Heller’s writing is simply sensational. Even if you don’t like wartime fiction Catch-22 is such an engaging story that you’ll find yourself immersed in it in no time!

I’ve never read that, but I’ll definitely be adding it to my list! What about your favorite band or song?

Journey / “Don’t Stop Believin'”!

If you could visit or live in one place, anywhere in the world, where would it be?


Ooh, Prague sounds super! 


Her fave posts: Protecting Your Joy / Being Happy Where You Are (Literally)

My fave posts of hers: If Home Is Where The Heart Is, Then What About When Your Heart Is Missing? / Four Seasons Smoothie (yum!)

Meet up with Crystal: Bloglovin’ / Facebook / Twitter

What were your wishes this week? Don’t forget about the sponsor sale–30% off until next Monday!

Allie’s not here right now, but you can leave a message after the beep.

Howdy. So as you’re reading this, I’m in the car with my family, on the way back to North Carolina. I’ll have been in the car for about ten hours, aka I’m planning how to kill each and every one of my family members. But on a positive note, I’ve got a guest post going on today over at Kayli Wanders talking about how my stupid frustrating old iPhone teaches me how to be more patient!


Go check it out and give Kayli some lovin’!


How a History Major Became a Biology Rockstar! [guest post]

Hello everyone! So today is my first ever guest post in the entire universe, how awesome is that? I was pretty indecisive when I thought about what to write for Allie and all of you wonderful readers, but I FINALLY decided! Today we are going to chat about:

The Life of a Cell and How it Paid my Bills

Like all good stories this one hails back to my undergraduate days when I was working my way through my bachelors degree and living off of top ramen. Yummy! ;) I was in my Sophomore year at the community college I was attending and had some grand plans to transfer to a 4- year university within the year, but in order to do so I had to knock out some science courses.

Boy, was I NERVOUS! I was a history major and so anything math or science related tended to give me hives, but I knew it would be better to attempt the class where I was rather than at a larger school.  So like any good student I enrolled in Biology 101 and waited for the fallout, except that there wasn’t any.

Not a one.

Somehow, something clicked in my brain, and biology and I got along famously! So much so that I even contemplated switching my major to biology, because no matter what I was absolutely fascinated with everything I learned. I knew something was up when I got my hands on a copy of The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher, because let me tell you, I couldn’t put it down! The Lives of a Cell is a collection of 29 essays written by Lewis Thomas and from the first of it I was hooked. Reading Lewis’ thoughts on the mitochondria, or a how a cell comprised of “ecosystems more complex than Jamaica Bay”(Lewis, 4) was like magic to me.


My bio-love was the real deal, yo.

Fast-forward a year and I’m at a big’ Ol University by the name of Kansas State University (I love you, Bill Snyder) and I have bills to pay. Going to school out-of-state is always pricey EVEN with an academic scholarship, which I had. I was working at a grocery store and trying to snag another job when the opportunity to work as a peer tutor AND learning assistant for the university came up. Biology, it seemed was a subject that many people had trouble with, so I grabbed both opportunities and never looked back.

Five days a week I moved between working for the athletic department and the university teaching biology to anyone who needed the help. To say that I enjoyed my time as a biology tutor is an understatement because I freaking LOVED it. Biology explains how things live and why things are how they are. I love understanding the world and what makes it work so naturally biology excites me. For a little over 2 years I tutored biology and I was definitely in demand for my skills by students/faculty who even requested me by name.

I had become a biology rock star!

picture 2

Me trying to bear hug a massive redwood during a camping trip in the Redwoods National Forest.

A passionate teacher is an effective teacher and teaching biology even strengthened my ability to teach history. So thank you, Biology, for feeding me, paying the light bill, and putting gas in my car. Oh, you little powerhouse mitochondria and semi-permeable cell walls, I could go on forever about how cool you are or how important you are for life. I really wouldn’t have been able to make ends meet or get my degree without my teaching gigs and I’ll be forever grateful for what my knowledge of biology afforded me both physically and mentally.


At my graduation with my then-fiancée, now husband. Thanks, biology!


Was there ever a subject that totally pumped you up and made you ready to take on the world? Were you ever able to use the knowledge you gained in the classroom to better your life outside of it? I know that when I make use of my classroom education I always feel like the school loans are totally worth it, don’t you?


Wow, thanks for sharing that Crystal! Isn’t she great, guys? Catch up with her more here: Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Bloglovin’

Weekly Wishes #9


Hey all. Today, I’m linking up with The Nectar Collective for Weekly Wishes. The Weekly Wishes is where we all can share our posts about goals, challenges, and wishes for the week! Last week, I had quite a few goals! Here’s how I did.

  • Get through my Bloglovin’ feed? Ah no. But I did make significant progress! I’m just barely under two hundred!
  • Get a new sponsor?? Nope, not this week. I do have a super awesome guest post coming up from Crystal at The Happy Type and I’m so excited to share! If you ever want to guest post/sponsor CMS, check out the sponsor page.
  • Brainstorm topics for the first week of school posts? Yessirree sure did! Get excited!
  • Make progress on school reading and college apps? Yep! I started my apps and am just waiting to hear back from my counselor before I finish!

I’m finding that my goals are just too vague so it’s hard to really make progress. So I’m making a goal to make my goals more concrete (yes, my goals involve goal-making).

Now, for this week’s wishes:

  • Keep on truckin’ through my Bloglovin’ feed! I’d like in <100 ideally. Work on it a little bit everyday!
  • Try to comment more on blogs! Make at least one thoughtful comment everyday–more is great!
  • Plan two posts and write out one for the first week of school.
  • Go home!! By this time next week, I’ll be home in Charlotte! I get to see the boy eeeeeeeeee.

Now head on over to The Nectar Collective and join the Weekly Wish link up.

What were your wishes this week? If you have a blog, tweet me, or comment to motivate me and help me reach my wishes!

July in Favorites


Things I love about me + why that’s not arrogant
5 more things I’m not ashamed of (but probably should be)
Three Must-Read Memoirs
Where’d You Go, Bernadette [book review]
Marie Curie, karate chopping stereotypes.
Funky Mood? Not for Long.
The Good and Bad of Living in Alaska [guest post]

new book reads banner

Beautiful Boy by David Sheff.
Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple
Gods of Gotham by Lyndsay Faye. Not done with this one, so that might be cheating but it’s great so far!

newblogreads banner

Amanda makes super cute geometric jean shorts with a bleach pen and raspberry-rosemary sorbet. FancyHands shows a really doable way to live richly and avoid regret. Melyssa shares the experience of getting and dealing with her first negative commenter. Sarah introduces me to Jes the Militant Baker. I found Emily’s pretty and natural blog, Growing Wild Ginger. Mary shares her thoughts on the Trayvon Martin case. Kelsey shares some super duper cute patterned things! Crystal works out at home.

new listens banner

I Want You to Want Me / Cheap Trick
Somartider / Gyllentider
Thrift Shop [electro-swing cover] / Postmodern Jukebox/Macklemore
I Would Walk 500 Miles / The Proclaimers
Jackie Wilson Said / Van Morrison
Hey Willy / Shannon and the Clams
Guaranteed / Eddie Vedder

new playlist banner

What were your favorite things this month?

Gatsby Dinner Party Inspiration

Well hey there folks. So my friends and I are planning a Great Gatsby themed dinner party to take place on my lawn on Monday night. Here’s some of the things that are inspiring us!

Except for the super tall table decorations, this is great!

Nation Prohibition Act | Great Gatsby Party Ideas - put hand-painted sign underneath this?

Great Gatsby Dinner Party | Paper and Pi

The great gatsby - dinner menu and fonts from the book and movie

gatsby dinner setting

Gatsby Party at Wolffer!

“Can’t repeat the past?…Why of course you can!”

Have you ever hosted a themed dinner party? Have you read/seen the Great Gatsby? What did you think?

Catching My Eye 09.

Would you make me very very happy and take my survey? I promise, it’s super short, 9 questions. And most of the questions are multiple choice, a few you have to fill in a word. I will love you forever! 

The best of the interwebs:

(This is probs NSFW…but it’s effin hilarious.)

♥I’m working on the 30 Day Arm Challenge with Claire from DaisyBisley. I love feeling stronger!

♥This slightly depressing article shows that I’m about as smart as an eighth grader in 1912.

♥I love this cool Kickstarter campaign for laboratory glasses made into tableware.

The Wine Glass

♥Think your life is tough? Here are 23 easy fixes to first world problems.

♥If anyone wants to give me $60, I’d love this studded Stella & Dot bracelet.

♥Michelle reviews a subscription box of gourmet food!

♥This is so freaky cool! A photographer spliced pictures of family members together and shows how cool genetics are.

Ulric Collette - FullyM1

Make graffiti with moss!

♥You might have missed: Funky Mood? Not for Long Weekly Wishes #8 ♥ Choices + free iPhone backgrounds Sponsor CMS in July/August.

What have you been loving this week? Which of these links did you think was the coolest?

Weekly Wishes #8

(Isn’t this gorgeoussss? It’s in Norway, somewhere.)

Hey all. Today, I’m linking up with The Nectar Collective for Weekly Wishes. The Weekly Wishes is where we all can share our posts about goals, challenges, and wishes for the week! Last week, my goals were to run once, get through my Bloglovin’ feed, connect with bloggers, keep my bedroom clean and learn something new.

  • Ran once? Sure did! Five miles.
  • Get through my Bloglovin’ feed? Oh man, no. I’m closer to 300-350 now. I’m so sorry for commenting on everyone’s posts from two weeks ago. I’m working on it.
  • Connect with bloggers? A little bit but not as much as I would have liked. You’re a blogger? Tweet @CallMeSassBlog or comment or comment on my Facebook! (See buttons above)
  • Keep my room clean? Did pretty well! Not perfectly, but it was a good try!
  • Learn something new? I learned about the colors you see when you shut your eyes!

Now, for this week’s wishes:

  • Go through my whole Bloglovin’ feed (take two)! This is getting pathetic. Share your blog with me below!
  • Get a new sponsor! Want to help me out? Check out my sponsor page! Starts at only five bucks!
  • Spend some quality time brainstorming posts for my first week of school–it’s gonna be crazy busy!
  • Make progress on my school reading and start college applications!

Now head on over to The Nectar Collective and join the Weekly Wish link up.

What were your wishes this week? If you have a blog, tweet me, comment or sponsor to help me reach my wishes!